AirBnb Cleaning Service

Our Airbnb cleaning service is committed to ensuring your guests have a pleasant and comfortable stay in your home. We recognise the significance of a clean and well-kept environment, which is why we provide a thorough cleaning service that will leave your property immaculate. Our team of skilled cleaning professionals will handle everything from scrubbing and vacuuming to laundry and bed linen changes. To ensure that your guests have everything they require, we will also attend to the smallest of details, such as stocking the kitchen and bathroom with essentials, to ensure that your guests have everything they need.

" I am fascinated by the cleaning services of Bella Cleaning. They clean great, they touch everything down to the smallest detail. For me, as host, it is important that my guests feel good and comfortable. With professionals like Bella Cleaning, it's easy because they think of everything."

Tanya Smith (AirBnb property owner)


1 Bed + 1 Bath - £ 40
2 Bed + 1 Bath - £ 55
For larger properties, contact us, please.

Wash , Dry and Iron (Bedding & towels)

Wash and Dry - £8
Iron - £5

Please note:

The prices for washing, ironing and drying are for one set of sheets and pillowcases, with towels included.